Monday, September 26, 2016

Weekly Newsletter: Week of September 26

Please click HERE to see this week's third grade newsletter. Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns! :)

Subtraction Strategies

Below is a copy of our anchor chart of subtraction strategies. Throughout the year, please make sure your student is always showing their work using one of these strategies. The traditional method of borrowing and carrying is not developmental for third graders to learn and will not be taught until fourth grade. Please let me know if you have any questions.

100/1,000 or Bust

This past week, mathematicians practiced their knowledge of subtraction skills while playing 100 or Bust OR 1,000 or Bust. The object of the game was to get as close to 0 without going under. Students either started with 100 or 1,000, depending on their game board. They needed to stay very organized with their work in order to see what their difference was, and the student who got closest to zero won! This was such a fun game and can easily be played at home. Let me know if you'd like a copy of the game board.  :)

Monday, September 19, 2016

Weekly Newsletter: Week of September 19

Click HERE to see this week's third grade newsletter. :)

Addition Strategies

Below are the addition strategies that have been taught and practiced so far this year. Throughout the year, your student will be asked many times to show their thinking when solving an addition problem. These strategies show their understanding of place value and the operation. Please DO NOT teach the traditional method of addition (crossing out and putting the new number above) that we you and I were taught in school. Although this method is more efficient, it does not show understanding of the operation, only the memorization of a process. After students have mastered the strategies below, the traditional method will be taught in fourth grade. Let me know if you have any questions about this! Thanks!!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Third grade engineers

As you know from a previous post, engineers in third grade have been working to solve a problem involving our water bottles. Students were asked to use certain materials to create a water bottle that would keep ice cold throughout the day. Over the course of the week, they worked in groups to design and create their cup. On Friday, students were able to make final changes and test their cup. See below for pictures from Friday!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Updated Wish List

Click HERE to see an updated 2016-2017 class wish list. Thank you in advance for anything you donate to the classroom!!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Weekly Newsletter: Week of September 12

Click HERE to see this week's third grade newsletter. Be sure to look below to see what's been happening in the classroom! :)

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Third Grade Selfies

To practice finding character traits and using evidence to explain their thinking, students were asked to think about traits that describe themselves. Below are a few examples!

What is an engineer?

We are so excited to begin our first science unit! For our first week, students explored what it means to be an engineer. See our thinking on the chart below and keep checking back for updates on our first engineering activity!!

What are character traits?

This past week, readers began thinking about how to describe the character in their story using a character trait. A character trait is an adjective that is used to describe someone's personality. We discussed the difference between a feeling and a trait. Feelings can change based on the situation but a character trait is something that describes who you are as a person. In the pictures below, students are determining a positive trait vs. a negative trait.

While your student is reading this week, ask them questions like:
-What is your character doing? Saying? Acting like?
-How can you describe the main character using a character trait?
-What evidence do you have to support your thinking?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Weekly Newsletter: Week of September 6

Please click HERE to see this week's 3rd grade newsletter. Be sure to read the previous posts below to see what's been happening in the classroom! :)

Monday, September 5, 2016


Please help us in celebrating one goal already reached this year!! We have reached 30 minutes of reading stamina! :)

Technology Promise

Parents and families,
As you may have already heard, we began using our iPads this week! Before getting them out, though, we decided on a few guidelines that we will try to live by this year, as seen below on our Technology iPromise chart. These guidelines were decided by the students and as each student signed their name, they agreed to follow these. So far, we have explored a few reading and math apps and we are excited to continue to using them this year! If you have a tablet device at home, please consider using these guidelines as well. Having the same expectations at school and home will help prevent damages.

Flexible Seating

Throughout the week, students have experimented with flexible seating in the classroom. There are many different work places around the room that students are able to sit, if the activity permits sitting around the room. Students were asked to reflect on their learning styles and what helps them learn best. If sitting at a table is best for that student, they will choose those places. However, I do not expect them to sit in a chair at a table all day if that is not helping them learn. Everything we do has a purpose, including choosing to lay on a carpet during work time! I have been very impressed with each student's choice as they experiment with the different work places around the room and begin to understand themselves as a learner! Let me know if you have any questions about this!